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The Trading Tribe Page 14

  Wasps uzhdenie U-ed does not interfere in the actions of Fred

  Wasps uzhdenie - this reluctance to feel anything. If you do not want to feel angry, then you condemn anger. Y ou do not let Fred transmit angry feelings conscious mind. You find yourself in a situation where Fred wants to feel the wrath of the conscious mind, and you do not want it to feel. This in-not. You do not train elaete feel something, and your feelings are in the site .

  Your U-layers control not Your Life

  Let's say you have a conviction in respect of any feelings. You can not stand this feeling. You avoid to feel it at all costs. You never listen to that warning, which gives you the feeling. As a result, you find yourself in a problem situation. The problem is the fact that in the end you have to feel this feeling, very intense. If you do not wish to start to feel your feelings, you keep repeating the drama.

  Every feeling is a positive intention

  Have to have a sense of azhdogo function. This function t th to lead us to the good life. When you unleash y not fully experience the feeling, you begin to realize its positive intention.

  We teach Xia what some feel I vlyayutsya The bad

  Parents, environment, churches, schools and society in general, teach us that some feelings are bad. Boys tend to take in-not with respect to sadness, tenderness and vulnerability. Girls tend to take at-not to the anger and confidence. People grow up, unable to be fully operational in areas that rely on these feelings. They roll into the drama that fill their lives with these feelings.

  You can fold his U-knit and do not regain their Force

  Until such time as you do not want to experience this in chuvst as anger, you are blind to it. Y ou get into situations that anger the end you. When you recognize your anger and translate it from an enemy into an ally, you regains his strength.

  PTP relieve you of so unproductive Drama and puts you on the trail of the good life

  PTP works by combining the fields and forms of Confessions, providing a way of experiencing feelings. When you remove a judgment from their feelings and get ready to experience them, you transfer them from enemies into allies, inhabiting your dashboard emotions.


  This glossary contains some parts of the language that we use in the PTP. Although the requirements for use of these words does not exist, many practitioners like to use them. It allows us to express things efficiently.

  Aha - this insight, usually accompanied by the removal of the voltage at the point where the conscious mind will connect with Fred during the PTP.

  Hot place - this is the position occupied by the sender at the meeting of the Tribe. The man on the hot seat, holding the position e, indicates a willingness to test their form, even if one of its forms is a statement that (indicates) that he does not wish to do so.

  Drama - is a recurring sequence of events arrayed Fred for what would make us feel their feelings.

  Of experiencing [22] - is a conscious n riznanie feelings. When we condemn the feelings we tying them in knots and can not test them. PTP - a method of experiencing in-not, unleashing them of experiencing feelings and transferring them from seeking drama enemies in seeking the good life allies.

  Adoption relentless - a gift that recipients do sender. Doing it, they create and maintain field Confessions.

  Point Zero - a state of tranquility and grace, indicating the completion of the process of reintegration.

  Responsibility - a model that supports the fact that the world - it is constantly evolving system that everyone is responsible for everything and that the intentions of equal results. People taking models of liability, notice that their intentions are expressed in the results quickly. See: Causality.

  Sender - is any person who intends to test their form within e PTP. When one person sends the remaining Tribe during the process, it is on the hot seat. See: Receiver.

  Sub-Fredovskaya Network - a network of Fred. It is a system of communication that we use for the involvement of all in the drama and in the good life.

  Confessions of a field - it is the external environment unrelenting acceptance and support, which creates the recipient to the sender. This step helps the sender to unleash their y-not, to experience their feelings and acquire wisdom.

  Recipient - a person who listens, supports, and takes to create a field of Recognition to the sender could feel their feelings. Look Poster.

  Proper Life - it's a lifestyle, which includes life on the model of responsibility, desire to experience feelings and sharing their special gifts concentration and vigorously.

  Causality - a model to explain how simple things work. In the game of pool [23] , we say that the ball hit the cue on which is the cause of motion and the ball, scored in the pocket. The reason is not working very well to explain situations in real zhiz no. It does not provide a sense of the emergence of balls, table and all players in the same place and at the same moment now. Fundamental analysis and Western culture polagayuts I model the cause. See: Responsibility.

  The inverse of (polar) - a set of methods for simultaneous two forms of experiencing. This bipolar version of the reintegration process.

  Reinteratsii process - a set of methods to help the man sitting on the hot seat in the United its forms in the peace and a strong unified form. By doing this, he reintegrates their individual inner feelings. Upon completion of the Reintegration individual forms are all automatically lead to a unified form and cease to exist as separate forms. Drama associated with individual forms, tend to disappear (tend to disappear).

  Trading Tribe Process (TAP) - a set of methods, which promotes personal growth. TAP helps Fred to cooperate with the conscious mind. TAP helps unleash y not. In PTP senders and receivers change places to help each other. PTP (TTP ®) - a brand that you can not use without permission in writing Ed Seykota.

  The objectives of the process - the application of PTP to unleash those have-not that stand between a sender and its objectives.

  Process Form - a set of methods by which members of the tribe can help a person in the hot seat to take shape until it is completed.

  CDF-N - a style of communication, subject, verb and object, now. CDF-N promotes clear thinking, keeps people today and reminds them of their responsibility.

  Now - is a growing point at which things happen. Past and future do not exist except in the concepts now.

  SS is DIY. SS - an attempt to execution without the help of PTP Fields Recognition and recipients. Independently, we are rarely able to experience feelings that have traditionally avoided.

  The conscious mind - a place of awareness, as part of the mind that we use to understand the concepts. The conscious mind also contains a logical process. If we see a rabbit ran behind a tree and ran out on the other hand, we can use the conscious mind to calculate what he (rabbit), most likely is behind the tree.

  The judge - a feeling that another feeling bad or wrong. Do-not - this feeling, plus the judge. Y does not protect the feelings and gives us experience them. The judge may also be the judge. Feeling can be woven with a pile of judges. We untie y-not by finding that the judge, whom we wish to experience. We call it "the judge happy." When we experience this happy judge stack quickly collapses and frees us to feelings of experiencing the original.

  Trade tribe - a group of people who meet together to help each other through a process of Trade Tribe (PTP). Trade Tribe (Trading Tribe ®) - a trademark, and you can not use it without written permission Ed Seykota.

  Do-not (k - not) - the feeling I sud plus who does not like it and the feelings of. We are tying feelings that do not like to have-not. This interrupts the transmission of feelings from Fred to the conscious mind and prevents formed vaniyu experience and wisdom. Judges - is also a feeling, which may have their own in-not. Some feelings are deep tangles y not.

  Form - is the outward physical manifestation of inner feelings, thoughts and emotions. Forms provide a way to tribal members tracked tion human progress, Naho verging on the hot seat, and let t effectively use f
ield Confessions.

  Fred - it is the subconscious mind, the limbic system and autonomic nerve tion system, plus the desire to transmit feelings. Fred runs most of our daily lives: how to talk, to listen, to balance the body and react on a hot stove. Fred the feelings of the conscious mind for the development of wisdom and abilities. When the conscious mind does not recognize Fred, Fred can organize drama to attract his attention. Fred controls subtle mezhlichnostnostnoe communication through emotions manifested through facial expressions and body postures, and uses them to involve others in the execution of intentions. See: Under-Fredovskaya C et.


  * * *

  [1] Right Livelihood

  [2] Judgment - judgment, condemnation. Hereinafter - both depending on the context.

  [3] To experience - experience, feel, experience. (Hereinafter, Translator's Note)

  [4] Willingness - willingness, desire. Meaning of words includes both the first and second. Then - depending on the context.

  [5] Experiencing (from Ch. to experience - experience, experience) - here and hereafter I translate this word as "one experiences" (instead of "experience"), which, although it sounds a bit ugly, in my opinion, more consistent with the essence of the phenomenon.

  [6] Re - Integration - letters. re-unification

  [7] Willing - ready, willing to do, voluntary. Hereinafter referred to as the word almost always translated as "ready", but the reader must take into account other shades of its value.

  [8] Will - here: will, willpower, desire.

  [9] Receiving

  [10] Impish - mischievous, naughty, evil.

  [11] Pitch - here, the height (pitch of sound).

  [12] The two different senses, that is the emanation of different qualities, are closed to each other within our energy shell, forming a stable emotional fixation.

  [13] Tipping - over - tipping

  [14] Rejection - rejection, rejection, rejection, rejection.

  [15] Threat-Threat - threat - a threat to threaten - to threaten.

  [16] Willing - see. p. 25

  [17] Grow-Grow

  [18] Literally - Take the sender, not the administration.

  [19] The term "holotropic" is formed from the Greek roots - holos, meaning "whole", and trepein, which means "to move toward." Together they mean "move toward integrity." (Wikipedia)

  [20] Amniotic - adj. from amnion - the thin membrane that forms a closed bag containing the embryo or embryo of reptiles, birds and mammals, and containing the amniotic (serous) fluid.

  [21] Shaking the jowls

  [22] Experience - translator introduced the term "one experiences" (as opposed to "perezhivaenie"), which is somewhat sloppy sounds in Russian, but it seems that most closely matches the nature of the phenomenon.

  [23] Pool - kind of billiards.