The Trading Tribe Page 9
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I benefited from the PTP by improving their sensory abilities by practicing confident communication and behavior based on the fact that "let go." In short, I quickly suppress disappointing situation, retain and satisfy live with the possibilities.
I define it in one word: clarity.
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The use of anti-TB drugs in a relationship Mauger t be misleading, particularly if the relationship is "convenient agreement" in which both art Orono tolerate those things that do not want in order to get what you want. In PTP has a tendency to clarify the true nature of the relationship. PTP Affairs flushes good relationship even better and so helps some people to break bad relationship faster and with less drama.
In this chapter I n rivozhu three examples showing varying degrees of use PTP in a relationship. In the first, for example, and does not receive B. In the second A receives B. In the third example, and A and B n oluchayut each other and create mutual Field Recognition.
Example 1: While A and uses the language of anti-TB drugs, it does not get B in the sense of creating Fields Confessions of a PTP.
A: (on phone) I feel something in my throat - perhaps loneliness or sadness. I do not know, I just feel like I want to cry, and I feel so alone.
B: I'm sorry to hear that.
A: You're sorry? What this means is that you're sorry?
B: Yes, I'm sorry. You're a good person and do not have to feel it. You have no reason to feel bad. I'm going to see you this week, and I know what to do to make you feel good about themselves.
A: I know you think that I should not feel. However, the truth is that I feel it. I'm just trying to share their chuvst you with you. You did not get me.
B: Well, why do not you, for a change, do not share with me what a good feeling? You always seem so sad. Why do not you just cheer up and not think about how to do something fun?
A. OK, if you do not like my feelings of sadness or whatever it was, I can not stop sharing them with you. I can do it. I can share with you a happy feeling. I can find someone else to share with them the fact that in my throat. I want to share what I feel. Maybe I need someone else to get those feelings that you do not like. You do not seem to x ochesh or a way to get me amb. You seem to fail to grasp this.
B: I just do not like to see your pain. Why do not you become lighter and not think about those nice things that we can do together.
A. I do not think that the pain - it's bad. Pain - it's just a feeling that I have in the y-not. I need someone with whom I could articulate my feelings until I can enjoy them and move forward.
B: Well, good luck. If you ever will deal with it and want something fun, let me know.
Example 2: A creates and maintains field recognition for B in the spirit of anti-TB drugs. B again not familiar with the PTP.
A: (on phone) I feel something in my throat - perhaps loneliness or sadness. I do not know, I just feel like I want to cry, and I feel so alone.
B: I'm sorry to hear that.
A: Thank you for taking care of my feelings.
B: Well, of course, I'm sorry that you're sad. I care about you. You're a good man, and I want to see you happy and not suffering.
A: Thank you for taking care of me.
B: Well, I care about you and I'm glad you'll notice it.
A: I still feel something in my throat, I may just want to share your feelings.
B: OK, then why do not you share with me what a good feeling?
A: Thank you for what you want to support me, and for the support to share with you what a good feeling.
B: I think about that soon see the smiling to you.
Example 3: A and B instead of field support in the spirit of anti-TB drugs.
A. (by phone) I feel something in my throat - perhaps loneliness or sadness. I do not know, I just feel like I want to cry, and I feel so alone.
B: Thank you for telling me. Tell me more.
A: Well, it really upsets me. I feel that many others need to e -So what to eat, what those feelings are gone, or have a beer to sleep. I know that this is not the solution. It is an escape from their feelings, so I do not want to do that. I feel like I need to do something to unleash the y-not. This is difficult to do by yourself. I feel that it is better to tell you about it.
B: I like it when you tell me your feelings. You know, many people do not even try. I am happy that you are in my life. I feel very close to you.
A. When I talk to you about it, I also feel bl izost with you, and the feeling in my throat starts to feel better. The impression is that this is the same feeling, but its nice to feel when I share it with you, and disgusting when I carry it alone.
B: I know what it is. I feel the same way.
A: Sometimes when I think about you and about some of the things that we do together, I just pluck and crying. I do not know, I'm sad or happy. I think that I do not know, good or bad feeling.
B: I miss you, too.
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His wife and daughter are changing
I came home, and either me or my wife, or daughter changed. Everything was somehow different. Lack of drama was noticeable.
Intends to look into the eyes, I said, "I just want that to t s and knew that your feelings are important to me."
She laughed, but without mockery, and later said, "You - the other. I like it, very much like smiling. "
After 20 years, she decided under e showering with me their feelings. I think that here is trust. So today we went deep into her feelings about her fear that she, among other things, can no longer get pregnant.
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Causation and Responsibility
The conventional thinking is based on the reasons. In PTP, we rely on responsibility. Your choice of models has a huge effect on how you experience life.
In PTP, we support that reason - is a convenient illusion, without any factual basis.
Let's say two cars collided at an intersection in the morning rush hour. It is curious that people call it an accident and are looking for the cause.
Determining the cause must be a model of causality, as this determines who to blame, who is guilty or innocent, and who will pay for the accident. This game is so common and so n ribylna that people even purposely committing tons accident. U sing causality shifts the focus from the acceptance of responsibility towards the attribution of fault mechanics.
Note: The words "responsibility" and "Cause" mean radically different things from each other, depending on which model you prefer. In each model, ensuring he is responsible for everything, and the reason - is an illusion. In the model of reason, everything has a cause, and we can always choose those few people who are responsible.
In PTP, we see that road accident has no simple cause. For detection of the reason we need to have knowledge of the position, velocity and acceleration of the two vehicles during their collision. The position of each machine at the time of collision is a function of the time the driver from leaving the house. This in turn depends on how and when he eats breakfast and its second numerous other factors. The position of each machine is also dependent on it, the driver's interaction with all the other drivers on the road throughout his way to the scene.
In addition, the positions of all the other machines depend, in turn, their interactions with each other and on their departure from home, and whether they stopped to talk with their children on the way to work. When you begin to count all e "causes", will soon see that everyone in the world is somehow plays a role in the overall calculation. Determining the cause would require calculations that go beyond today's technological po
In really of no such simple things as cause and effect. For a more accurate model of the world - is a complex system, all elements of which are simultaneously co-create constantly-changing moment now. Everyone involved in everything. To determine the guilt of the accused, you really need to know who you want to blame and who is accused before you begin to count.
In the model we support PTP Responsibility that everyone participates in everything and that there is no such thing as a cause of accusation or wine.
We recognize that we can not predict the future. In fact, we do not even think that the future exists. We do the best of what we can control risk, follow with the flow of life and to stop the losses when things go against us. This is also a trend trading rules.
Trade with the trend (trend in the direction of the trend).
Hold a profitable position.
Curb Losses.
Manage risks.
Causality provides the philosophical basis for Western Civilization. In our causal world we stuck to blame people who do not follow the rules, and punish them. Without faith in reason, our Western legal and political systems fail.
At TAP, we are not dealing with an accusation or blame. This concept of "at-United" of relations. In PTP, we focus on building a good relationship with someone who understands the value of clear intentions, taking responsibility and help each other in starting our in-not.
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Do not Crash
I said less mood swings. I feel less inclined to argue and become more tolerant and is not easily annoyed.
Last week, I had a small car accident. I was surprised at how calmly coped with all the situation without any ill will against another driver. I did not attempt to explain why it happened and was able to move on and enjoy the remainder of the day.
I know what my reaction would have been more dramatic prior to the submission of trade Tribe.
In addition to these changes in myself, I noticed a change in the people around me. In a recent conversation with relatives, they demonstrated more openness in their emotions and feelings. They have more confidence to share with me their problems.
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Appendix to Trading
Causality provides the basis for a "fundamental analysis". Fundamental analysis is an approach to the investment, which forms the analyst opinion on what factors are really important reasons. Then he continues to spin the story of how these reasons are related to influence what happens in the future. Pioneering Fundam analyst usually make a recommendation that any company the future looks bright, as well as for the entire sector. Here are some problems s fundamental analysis: 1) About bution reasons at best arbitrary, ambiguous and impossible. 2) The future does not exist. 3) Current price can already play a fundamental story. 4) Trade in the basic model does not provide any control risk.
Of these, the lack of risk control, perhaps the most ruinous I reason. The problem of fundamental analysis - especially if the analyst believes in the myth that "things return to normal" - is that what you buy for $ 50, it looks even better if drops to $ 45. Let's say you buy more at $ 45, and then it goes down to $ 35. You buy more. If it is good for 50%, it should be great for $ 35. Then you borrow money and double your purchase at $ 25 and now $ 15. Y ou are sure that it will come back, and you would have bought more if it is not bogged down in debt.
In PTP, we do not claim that we understand anything. Everything we know about floor the trend, and even it is subjective. Some people look at long-term trends, while others - in the short term. It does not matter what you look at the trend, but if you sign up for e model of responsibility, all you can do is to follow the trend, let your profits grow, to stop their losses and manage risk.
You see recommendation fundamental analyst buy a stock at $ 50 for a variety of excellent reasons. Naturally, you are in doubt, but, nevertheless, decide to watch this action. You can see that it falls from $ 50 to $ 45. You can see that the stock falls in price, so it interests you even less. It drops to $ 35, and it is for you is even more evidence of her decline. You think you can ever consider buying it only if it shows enough strength back to $ 50 and start from there to climb higher and higher. You place an order with your broker to purchase for $ 51 on foot. She had never traded there, and you do not lose on this penny stock.
Meanwhile, a fundamental analyst opens some new cause and gives some new recommendation. He believes that it's time to leave this paper, as the prospects for the sector seem bleak.
Instead of signing the reason, the practice of PTP are under the responsibility, with its conclusion - deliberately I = results. For the definition of le your intentions, you just look at the results that are getting. This will place your intention is, your results and your responsibility - all this in a moment now. If you do not like the results you receive, you will also notice that you did not enjoy your intentions. You can use your intention. In the reason you have the temptation to blame others and treat them as responsible for your life. Such action reduces your power. It's easier to change yourself than to change others. In PTP you ete knowledge that they themselves are responsible for their intention, free and strong enough to act accordingly.
Trend trading is different from the fundamental Commerce. Trend trader simply buys something that goes to the top, and sells what goes down. In this case, it usually contains a portfolio of securities with a large profit and Malen kimi losses. He, on balance, is a step forward and continues to win. Trend trader does not allow losing trades erode capital or St. oh my soul. One of the problems of the trend of trade that sometimes, once a trend trader enters the market, the trend reverses and goes against him. In this case, he should get out of the trade with a small loss. Trend traders call these trades "saws".
Sometimes the trend trader may be a chain of "drunk". This is reflected in his account as a series of small losses. It is here that comes into play risk management. Trend trader examines himself, he studies the markets and it develops its own system of investing. He tests on historical data to get the feeling of stiffness and frequency "saws". He sets the time measures the position that can withstand the chain "drunk." Then, when coming so good e mar k, and he is ready, willing and able to get the full benefit from them. In a time when so Rendova Island trader buys share, fundamental analysts for the most part do not even look her and not even less likely to recommend it to purchase tons.
Fundamental anal ITIC begins to look at the action and look for reasons for its growth, when he learns that some trend traders have already received from her earnings, and its customers want to know what is happening. These clients need a standard reason why the share is growing before they can buy it, and it provides a fundamental analyst.
Fundamental analysts often recommends buying below market share. This tactic contains the problem. If the stock goes down to the point of purchase, it is already showing weakness. If the paper and children up, then "limit orders" missing movement.
Some traders, who call themselves the fundamental analysts seem to be very successful. If you, however, to examine their methods, you'll see that they closely follow the strong Trade in prices, profits and shares.
Trend traders buy a stock at a time when they begin to realize that it is trading above. If it continues to grow, they are logged, and if it decreases, they simply sell it.
Causality is expensive at the crossroads of two streets and expensive at the crossroads of buyers and sellers. TAP is to maintain a clear mind and spirit combat.
I love writing in the direct expression in the present tense. I call this style of communication CDF-N (subject, verb and object - present). You rarely find links n and the past or the future or liability overt suggestions in my style of writing.
We use the CDF-N at a meeting of the Tribe almost exclusively. Members of the P L
ehmen usually find CDF Mr. uncomfortable and awkward at first. With practice, it comes more naturally. I am writing this book in the CDF-N.
Putting the subject in the first sentence says the recipient of who commits the act. Sometimes you see sentences without a subject, such as, for example, as "Your cooperation is appreciated." "Cooperation" - this is not the subject. This object, and we do not know the subject. We do not know who appreciates. Most likely, no. Contacting CDF-N is: "I appreciate that you maintain a clean sink. Thank you, Joe. " You can feel the difference.
Or in respect of signs on the lawn: "Walking on the grass is prohibited." Again, there is no subject. It is possible that no one in the organization does not want to be responsible for creating the rules of walking on the grass n. M ezhdu case, I wonder how those Reb Yata that put banning e walking on grass plate, lawn moving, to get back into the house.