The Trading Tribe Read online

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  Taking responsibility

  How anyone can thank another for guidance that you gave me many years? I see myself as a capable person who usually finds ways to subordinate their goals regardless of the obstacles, but in this case I do not see myself no way to be where I am today without your extraordinary kindness and generosity during all these years.

  When I contacted you about 12 years ago, I was a "painful one unit," crippled and evil man, accusing the world for their problems, not having M career and hoping not to have it. Now I have just signed an agreement about how to be an independent portfolio managers $ 3.8+ billion hedge fund. It is equally important that I take full responsibility for my life and I'm happy.

  Ed, it's hard to describe overwhelms me thank you. In the end, you gave me life. Now you might say, "Oh, you need someone who gives you life, maybe you should explore their feelings about it," and you will be right. 12 years ago I needed someone like you, to give me life, to say that it is OK, it is not abnormal to have a life long ambition.

  I felt so disappointed and zbitym and that have a person of your caliber, who would take care of me, so it was essential to my process, without that I would not do that.

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  Tears success

  PTP process produced a dramatic change in my trade. I have had great results.

  I traded for a long time, much longer than I can afford to admit, but I've never been able to trade consistently successful manner.

  PTP requires some getting used to and a lot of practice. But sticking to it, I finally got my AGA. I finally began to communicate with her best friend of Fred, who served as my best interests of all those years.

  Tears roll down my cheeks as I write this. I had a hard life. Complexity happened to me not once, not twice, but did not stop the first 27 years of my life. I was humiliated at school and called a moron for strong speech problems. All these old memories stayed with me even when I already had children of their own. And although I was very successful in other professions, but never in trading.

  I make a mad effort on their part to learn NLP and half a dozen other techniques, attend more than 50 sessions in all kinds of therapists (psychiatrists) to erase his past, and all for nothing.

  All I have to do is recognize their feelings from the past, to fully experience them. Fully experience the feelings of sadness, feelings of constant terror, which live people who stutter.

  It's amazing, so effortlessly flows now my trading, I do things in their own best interests. Whatever talents I had, now, in the end, they find a voice without any drama from Fred.

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  Adhere (not to deviate from) Systems

  At the November workshop in Reno you asked us to make a list of what limits our growth. "Do not follow your system" was my main growth constraint. I have a good, no, great news. They are that I have not missed more than one signal and, after returning in November.

  I followed each input, output, profits and losses that the system gave me, and I have no desire to ever cancel or overplay their system.

  I am delighted with this change. I do not know "how" it happened. But it happened. And I have a great feeling about this!

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  PTP Lets recklessly

  Trading can be severe and long road. Therefore, to have a mentor and a guide, especially so amazingly capable - it is a rare gift.

  Like most traders, I am about shibochno believed in finding the right system is all you need for the ultimate success. However, I learned that the secret lies in that a person needs to seek and embrace all of its deeply rooted e feelings that lie waiting to stop us if we ignore them.

  Must be accompanied by attention. Now I am much more able to stay in the moment now, identify and control the feelings that once broke my decision-making system.

  This means that greed that pushes my risk tolerance to dangerous levels, now under control (but under constant supervision!), And now I can take but unemotional periods without loss of ritual tears, as it was before.

  However, I have won even greater reward: my life as a whole, not just my trade, infinitely more joyful and successful as a result of these same techniques and awareness.

  One really gets what he wants to, from markets and from life.

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  Mnjk 1 lnb 7

  The benefit that I received from the Trading Tribe amazing.

  I traded for 19 years, and descended down the dangerous road. My life was almost lost and sitting at a computer screen or in any office from 8 to 10 often daily!

  Now I spend time with my son six months, with his wife, or doing something else that I like. I'm not a zombie and not a robot, I live! My portfolio does not control me anymore. I just keep your risk under control.

  Tribe filed a pre me a new trading lesson in "risk management." A great change took place not in the simple trading principles, which I already knew. The main change has occurred in the way I think. My mind is clear again, the body feels healthier and less prone to stress I have.

  Being in the Tribe is not a pleasant walk on a yacht. I still are difficult days. For some reason these heavy days now easier to handle. In front of me also raises many new challenges and meet them with my new tools PTP.

  With all of these positive results, I feel that only scratched the surface of learning. The first step is to get some help from the Trade Tribe, and your new journey begins.

  Oh, another thing on the odes. My baby wants to print something: mnfk 1 lnb 7

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  Start Your Own Trading Company

  I joined our TP Bole e 18 months ago, today we are three times per week plays host to a meeting ... we all share the same sense that our tribe - a unique place where we enjoy giving (receiving) and taking (sending) each other.

  On a personal level, I always felt that my trade (over 5 years) lacks the psychological element to formulate a successful trading plan. So, I went to your website and get immediate AGA - that is what I am missing.

  You by PTP, helped me on two main levels:

  My personal relationship with everyone around me transformed into something more clear, open and sincere in zatrachivaniya time and thoughts to those people for whom I really want this.

  Not a professional level, I was able to find an opportunity to base their own investitsinno-management company in the past year. My Trade pleases clarity and awareness, which has been stripped before.

  Your personal commitment to anti-TB drugs has led to the prevalence Anenii people around the globe who have dared to meet their internal issues in order to improve your life in the same way that I have experienced. I thank you for your kindness.

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  Part Three

  Resources for PTP

  Vebs Ait, Special Study II, Summary

  and Glossary

; Website Trade Tribe

  The primary sources of POPs are the book and the website at:

  www. tradingtribe. com

  This site contains tons of great section FAQ (frequently asked questions), which contains the ongoing dialogue between the members of the tribe and me. This site can help you find an existing tribe or establish your own. The site also advertised workshops that you can visit and learn directly from the PTP active practitioners.

  Y ou can also e use this site to communicate with me about this book. If you have offers small dix, comments or questions, and if you do not see on the site of fasting, which has already been written about this, you can send an e - mail me directly. I usually place your e - mail (minus your name) on the site so that everyone can benefit from it.

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  I would like to bottle PTP

  Too bad that this case can not be bottled.

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  Textbook Trading Tribe

  Step by step instructions for teaching Trading Tribe

  This tutorial presents the basic techniques of PTP in practice. This course requires the exercise of the Tribe of four or more people, the drum for each member, and a separate room for about six hours at a time. Privacy is necessary in order to allow members to express a wide range of emotions.

  A typical process takes about an hour. Five-minute breaks follow each process. A small tribe is likely to complete given in this tutorial exercises in two three-hour session. These sessions can be conducted in one or various days. When the tribe assembled and functioning, it usually does not repeat all the preparatory exercises. Mature Tribe mainly relies on drumming, registration, several key x processes, such as the reintegration process and verification.

  Although these instructions may allow the group to train newcomers each other, learning takes place much faster when the session leader exercises has some personal experience of existing tribe or experience gained at the workshop PTP. TAP is best transmitted through personal interaction.

  S process for the New Tribe



  Sending and Receiving Thoughts

  Sending and Receiving Sensitivity

  Sending and Receiving Form

  Developed forms

  Developed forms in the tribe

  Glorification of Judges

  Reintegration Form

  SES process


  Processes for the action of the Tribe



  Reintegration Form


  These sessions of exercises will move much faster if each participant familiar with the website www. tradingtribe. com and with this book.

  How to Use This Training Manual

  Leader leads the meeting. At the beginning of the meeting tribal leaders began drumming. After drumming leader announces registration.

  Before each leader repeats instructions to all members of the training manual and make sure that everyone understands the process before starting it. He then selects the senders and recipients. At the end of each process leader announces the verification process. The leader then announces a five-minute break. Before the end of this tribe break again come together and leader announces the following process.

  When the process requires an exchange in pairs, leader instructs find partners. Members usually works every time with a new partner, to everyone had the opportunity to work with all the others.

  Tribe sits in a circle, faces inward. During these exercises, as paired exchange, the couple moved their chairs to sit facing each other. After the pair exchange they move their chairs in a circle back to check.

  Tribe Leader trains, carry out the process and take part in them as the sender.

  Checking is an opportunity for everyone to express their feelings and insights after each process. At the end of the meeting Tribe Checking enables each person to express their feelings and insights with respect to all meetings of the Tribe.

  Checking begins with the person who is sitting to the left of the Leader, and goes in a circle. Each it can spend several seconds to several minutes. Each person is given one and only one way to check. All others receive and can not comment on or else interfere in the actions of the sender. At the end of each sender verification nods to him who sits on his left, and a new person starts checking. Leader tested last.

  CDF-N is the style of communication that we use at the meetings of the Tribe. Epistle support subject, verb and object - now. You can say whatever you want, in the CDF-N. We live in the moment now. Verbs in the present tense indicates that point now. CDF-N requires that your name was the subject, the responsible party. When you use the CDF district, you accept responsibility, stay in right now and clearly express that the subject does.

  1. Drumming - 5 minutes

  Everyone keeps silent drum or other percussion instruments. Leader starts to play the drum and support sustainable basic rhythm. All join him. Someone could copy the game Leader, while others can create counter rhythms. Members usually close their eyes, feel the rhythm and plunge into it. When a group is included in the working resonance, drumming included in a rut. After some time drumming weakens, and the group is immersed in a pleasant state of readiness.

  2. Registration - 2 minutes for each person

  Registration and Verification similar. Each sender expresses the feelings that come "right now". Focusing on the present focuses whole group in now and sets the tone in the process of following mu. In this case e Leader goes to "send and receive thoughts." He can choose to manage the process yourself or call someone who will lead it. The current tribal leaders may ask, who wants to work, and then go directly to form processes and processes Reinte grace.

  Registration examples:

  I feel tinnitus

  I'm happy to be here. I'm starting to calm down. I like to play the drums.

  I feel peace and now realize that I did not have that soothing feeling.

  I feel relaxant ix voltage - even in unfamiliar surroundings - I feel the warmth in the chest, maybe it has something to do with playing the drums. I am aware of their own hands. It seems that something is happening.

  Note: the growth of the Tribe members with three use CDF Mr. almost constantly. The above examples in the CDF-N, except the phrase "I do not have enough."

  3. Sending and Receiving Thoughts - 10 minutes

  Leader instructs members to find partners and in pairs. People in pairs rearrange their chairs so that they sat facing each other. Each pair chooses who will be the sender and who is the recipient. Recipient to the sender says exactly the following: "Tell me what you think now." The sender says it all, and that would be Mr. occurred to him, for example: "I wonder how the second point in this process," or "I think to buy raisins silent on the way home. " The sender transmits only one thought at a time, usually one short phrase or sentence. Whatever may be said sender, recipient replies: "Thank you" . This response Covenants p creases transmission.

  The pair then switch roles, the sender becomes the new recipient and conversely. The pair then completes the next gear. Couple exchanging roles after each second transmission until as leader does not announce the end of the process. He instructs the members of the stop s smiling and thank each other.

  In the case of an odd number of members in the tribal leaders can sit down to a pair and form a triple. The three have a sender, recipient, who asks, and one additional recipient s, which only receives. Troika change roles to each participant passed to each role every third time.


  Recipient: Be careful to ensure that adhere strictly to the script. You can only speak: "Tell me what you think NIL, now" , and "Thank you" . You just can not comment or join the sender in the dialogue. If you find it difficult to abstain, you're not alone. People in our
society are not used to serve others with the intent to support them in the administration. In particular, pay attention to the opportunities available you tend to agree or disagree with the content of your dialogue with the recipient, smiling, nodding or using other body language.

  Sender: Y ou can see that when you have someone who gets you and enduring judgment about you, do not agree or do not agree with you and, or simply do not respond to what you say, it feels like something unnatural or uncomfortable. You can pochuv isting that a little nervous or that you find it difficult to speak. In this case, when the recipient asks you: "Tell me what's so Dumai NIL, now" , you just say that you notice, for example: "Well, I think I do not know what to say." You can even say the same thing in a few exchanges in a row.