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The Trading Tribe
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Trading Tribe
Ed Seykota
Trade tribe
Ed Seykota
The Trading Tribe
Incline Village, Nevada
Trade Tribe
Village on the slopes, Nevada
Translation Sergey Nikolaev
Thanks and dedication .......................................... .. ..................... 3
About this book .................................................................................... 5
• Part One The notion of PTP
Introduction to TAP ...... ........................................................................... 10
How do I meet Tribe ...................................................... ...... 14
How does TAP ........................................................................ ... 24
• Part Two Living with PTP
Fred .......................................................................................... ...... 31
Form ....................................................................................... ....... 37
Manipulation ........................................................................ ....... . 40
Correctional ................................................................................. ...... 43
Incorrigible person .................................................................. ....... 46
Hard part ..................................................................... .. ....... 50
Rejection, jealousy, envy and disappointment ...... .. .................................. 53
Commercial, dramatic and growing-Growing Relationship ............... ........ 56
At Niman sender and not the Message ....................................... .. .......... 60
Disappearance ......................................................... ...... .. ..................... 63
.......................................................................................... Goal ....... 64
Questions Why does not work ... ... .......................................................... 66
Close relationship ........................................................................ ... ... 68
Responsibility and the reason ...................................................... .. ...... 71
CDF-N ....................................................................................... ....... . 75
Now ....................................................................................... ....... 77
In general, not ................................................................................. ...... 78
TAP and other approaches .................................................................. ... .... 79
PTP in Business ........................................................................... .. ....... 81
PTP in Commerce ... ............................................................................... 83
Recommendations confessions from traders .......................................... ... . 87
The third part of the PTP • Resources
Website Trade Tribe ............................................................ ...... 92
Textbook Trading Tribe .......................................... ............ 93
Summary of Concepts PTP ....................................... ............................... 112
Gloss arias .................................................................................... .... January 14
The first appearance of the term in the text of the glossary in italics.
Basic and lasting effect on me has my grandfather, Art Hawker (Art Hawker), an avid golfer and a skilled carpenter, my other HS, teacher and protector in the early years. I remember his kindness and patience e endlessly with me. I remember how everyone called him, gently, "leaders".
In 1989, Jack Schwager (Jack Schwager) included me in his book "Magicians Market", and in 1992, its sequel "New Market Wizards".
In 1992 in Los Athos, Ka liforniya, I published a four-page monograph "Tribal Trade," which gave rise First of mu mu Commerce Yeni tribes.
In 2003 Mike Kouvel (Mike Covel) puts a link to my website on their website www. TurtleTrader. com . In 2004, he mentions Trade Tribe in his book "trend following» (Trend Following).
My dear friends I snab Dili trials through which I grew up and studied.
My son Ziz, my daughter Aziz and my sister Susan Seykota Smith are among my best teachers.
This book is a continuation of the enthusiasm and commitment of Member Trading Tribe worldwide and Trade tribal villages on the slopes.
I dedicate this book to members
Shopping Tribe
About this book
Life seems to be full of surprises and paradoxes. One of them is that I'm writing this book. I have very little formal education delivery in the psychologist and and m is personal growth or even to write on this subject. By nature I am an engineer, and education, strong in math and science, and relatively weak in the social sciences. I come from unwilling to express his emotions family, and I have a record of two divorces.
It seems that I can be called a wounded healer who tries to heal itself, and then goes to get the same effective in the conduct of others on this path.
The purpose of this book
Bid th Tribe began in 1992 in Los Athos, K aliforniya as a small group of traders who meet once a week for that would help each other improve their trade. Today tribes around the world meet regularly to practice the process of the Trade Tribe (PTP). Many of the new members are not even traders. They attend the meeting due to the benefits they cause in their lives in general.
This book is a history of trade Tribe, a description of how it works, and an invitation for you searcheth Article PTP magic in your own life.
Writing style
I am writing to direct expression in the present tense. I call this style of communication CDF-N (subject, verb and object - present). You rarely find links to e past or future or passive expression in my style of writing. You may find CDF-n bit strange. As soon as this moment now continues to evolve, however, this style may grow in you.
I am writing layers. I imagine Mr. emnogo topic and leave a few questions on the table. The next time I have been left a few questions and leave with new ones. I do not pretend that I have all the answers. I see my role is to raise a few questions and encourage you to find your own answers.
In the examples that relate to people, I use personal pronouns vicariously. He, she / he can all relate to any floor.
Deep feelings
This book discusses the deep feelings. Some e themes may affect any of your sensitive areas and encourage you to ensure that you had a feeling that you traditionally avoid. Some parts can lull you or be sent to you in dreams, while your eyes finish this part without you. We strive to associate the feelings that we do not like to have-not. Your conscious mind and nstinktivno off in order to avoid such feelings. Such as the nature-have not.
The absence of trade secret formulas
I am a trader and mentor traders. In this book, I refer to trading. However, it does not contain any secret formula or magic trading methods.
Most trading systems are simple. They trade with long-term trends. They allow profits to grow. They suppress losses. They are well managed risk. They have small daily fluctuations of capital. They are similar to the business.
Although the possession of a good system needs imo for success, the main difference between tr eyderami is psychological. Even the best tr
ading systems have similar e n saw teeth and the sensing range and downs of capital. Ups, downs and laterals to follow the system can cause feelings such as boredom, hope, fear, greed and despair. If a trader can not control these feelings, it is we can be tempted to deviate from their system. The main problem with the trading system does not follow them.
As you read about the theory of TAP in this book, and perhaps come to understand it, you will not be able to develop skill in PTP, just thinking about it. The only way to develop skill in PTP is its practice. The best way to practice is membership in the tribe and visit the workshop of PTP. You can find more information about these opportunities in the resource part of this book.
I regularly receive thanks from people who write that PTP helps to improve everything from finances to relationships, from the emotional to satisfy the clarity of mind. They write about improving relationships with colleagues, other uzyami, friends and children. They also point out that naturally drawn towards the Right F Life Span [1] and deep satisfaction. TAP seems to be working against people from all walks of life, not only in relation to traders.
Some of these thanks lyayutsya The appearance in this book between the marks. And, the content of copyright. My names. For example:
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Wife notices
At a meeting of the Tribe I'm working on some tension in the neck and throat compression.
I find that my posture improved immediately. My chest expands, projecting a lot of confidence. My singing range is reduced by a note or two. I'm a little less snoring and need somewhat less sleep. I feel more positive nervous energy, which is related to the excitation of the project (perspective). My wife noticed significant positive changes constantly and commented on them.
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Know what to do
Here are a few to please me, the benefits of participation in TAP:
I feel happier and less anxious.
I'm easier to interact with people.
I "see it" when others try Tue yanut me and my drama, and I find that now I lose less time and energy playing games other people. I think I also create less of their own drum.
The more questions I worked out, the more I find that acting in their best interests, automatically, without remembering that "what I should do."
This is similar to what I just know what to do in situations znyh are diverse, and I do it. And when I do not know what to do, I feel that it is too normal. That is, I feel less stuck to his place of fear and more free to move forward. Growth in the fact that as I move forward, I feel even better feelings to himself and to what I do in my life.
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Works wonderfully
I attended a meeting of TP just over a year and would like to share their experiences.
Until PTP my trade was subject to very large fluctuations. My yatie when n solutions to enter the trend was based on the observation of John intensity graphs and then of doing what I felt. I was a typical day trader entering the market and coming out of it with many small profits and repetitive heavy losses.
My results were the same, then there is a good trading period gave way to a powerful breakdown where I traded / played like a madman. I really felt as if the trades someone else, and I'm just looking, unable to stop this behavior. I have tried many techniques and methods to stop this behavior, but with little success.
I am happy to say that the last time this happened a year ago. At the meeting, the TA I was fortunate to get a skilled and artful recipient Tribe who helped me endlessly.
Looking back at their real trades I get a lot of pleasure, seeing as I was disciplined, using all the signals in accordance with its previous testing. This powerful shift in trading methodology is the result of PTP. For me, it really works wonderfully.
PTP easy to do. I am constantly horrified by the fact that you have to go to meetings, knowing that I have to be completely dedicated to the discovery of his soul Tribe. It would be much easier to stay at home and keep my feelings well hidden. However, I made a conscious choice to fully experience the feelings within the tribe, rather than act them on the market. It's much more fun, leads to insights and it's much, much cheaper!
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This book is an interactive work in the development of
PTP is a work in development. Something new and surprising th appears at every meeting P Lehmen. I feel tempted to delay the completion of this book and on a slightly later time to see what the case m by the following. Ed that case the following, it is natural that I continue to delay the completion of the book. In order to pass this book in your hands, I just have to take their feelings "desires that it was perfect," and do it now.
If you have questions, comments or suggestions for improving this book, please check the website www. Tradi ngtribe. com / book , to see if there is an answer to this question. If not, there you will find Mauger those instructions to transfer your insights.
Section first
The notion of PTP
Everything you want to know about TAP,
including this desire to know is,
are just another sense.
Introduction to PTP
The primary motivation for the Trading Tribe
In 1992 th year, I began to think about a problem common to many traders, including myself. We opened a good position, and then we are a factory, getting the band loss, yielding to his emotions. Hope, fear, greed and despair seemed to go outside and suppress us. Our feelings make us leave their good position and enter into bad just not time.
I write down some of my thoughts on the establishment of a group of emotional support for traders, retail Tribe. I prepare this monograph and disseminate it. Some raiders t like the idea Xia strong enough for regular attendance of meetings. Our goal is to help each other find ways to overcome emotional interference in trade.
Finding a deep connection
As soon as we explore our feelings about trade, we find that they go deep into the other areas of our lives. As soon as we work to improve our trade, as well improved and other areas of our lives. Our relations are improving, we find less drama in our lives and we see that our priorities change. Our elections are beginning to support us in communion with each other and self-expression. We call this state of oneness with our true "I" and the goal - the good life. Proper Life seems to naturally occurs and s PTP.
Development of PTP
Over the years, the TA goes through several incarnations. I continue to study a variety of disciplines and to assimilate them into the PTP. PTP has some skhodst Islands with breathing exercises, eastern religion, Erickson hypnosis, est, group processes, lifespring, NLP, physics, etc. sihologiey, positive thinking, psychotherapy, systems theory, the twelve-step program and Western religion. PTP is a product of my observations and experiments with many hundreds of members in more than 12 years.
Trade tribe and w omen
Business P lemena, historically, almost entirely male. Later, the women are showing interest in PTP and appear at the meetings of the Tribe. Women seem to be more willing to experience some feelings, whereas men seem more willing to try different. Tribes that have both men and women, offers an unprecedented opportunity to understand each other deeply supportive ways.
Website Trade Tribe
By 2002, I get a steady stream of letters by e-mail. mail with questions about TP. I'm creating a free website:
ww. trading tribe. com .
It breaks through the dam. Questions flooded. When I get an email from someone, I check it to get oschu schenie overall tone. I say who wrote at first as a person, and then only slightly on his question. I rarely give a Li Bai Council, except the recommendation to join the Trade Tribe.
Tribes appear. In 2003, I was giving a seminar. I spend three more in 2004. Demand continues to grow. In early 2005 Trade Tribe has offices around the world, and TAP becomes a powerful system of knowledge about personal growth. The website attracts over a million page visits per year, each with a kind word.