The Trading Tribe Read online

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  E lementy necessary.

  Necessary elements for PTP are:

  Ready About tpravitel

  Relentless P Answered


  Use sc F ORM

  In the absence of any of these elements does not work process. Of these relentless P Answered seems alien to most beginners.

  Relentless P Answered.

  Relentless P Answered create a field around Confessions sender. Sender - is the one who transmits feelings to the recipient. We create a field of Recognition by the approval, adoption and by responding to the feelings of the sender, not the content of e communication. Confessions of a field similar to the magnetic field pulls out the feelings associated with the problem. In particular, it draws the feelings that the sender is not otherwise able to experience. Some people show surprise, surprise, and then delight when impres rvye experiencing relentless P Answered and communication in the field of Recognition.

  Emotion in contemporary culture

  Modern culture has a strong bias against the adoption of the senses. W e do not instinctively take their own feelings and the feelings of others. At the beginning of our life we learn that some feelings are good while others are bad. Anger, nenavi st, frustration, jealousy, Mr s, loneliness and grief are generally poor. Joy, happiness, love, affection and warmth are good as long as we are not showing them too hard.

  It seems that it is convenient to their good feelings. However, when we see someone who is experiencing a bad feeling, we usually try to take him out of the words he or try to rectify the situation, that he had no reason to feel it. We almost never support him in the experience of the senses. We tool almost never set fields Confessions.

  People learn to associate their bad feelings in the y-not. Do-not - this feeling, intertwined with a negative judgment [2] this feeling. Have a double meaning, it is not: (1) tie in a knot, and (2) something that you do not like.

  When we perceive our feelings as enemies, we relate them to the y-not. We become blind to the situations in which these feelings are contrary to save us. A person who does not feel thirsty, can come to dehydration. A person who does not feel hunger, may die of exhaustion so. A person who does not feel anger, may have weak personal boundaries and subjected to invasion. A person who does not feel the sadness, can tolerate the loss of a loss.

  Everyone knows that good sobs weaken print s, and that a small splash of cooling leads to anger. What many do not know is that the process of in-depth experience of feeling has additional beneficial effects that go far beyond the short-term stress relief. These beneficial effects come from the reverse proclamation of sadness and anger as a powerful ally that can help in making wise decisions.

  All the senses have positive intentions. They lead our lives for the good life. TAP helps to unleash our in-and not to release our feelings. It helps to make our feelings from enemies into allies. These allies are helping us to make choices that lead us from the drama in the direction of right living.

  Psychological models

  Psychologists like to say that the brain has two parts: the right and left. In PTP, we use a two-part sci-fi model of the mind: the top and bottom. In this model, the upper part is Part conscious mind. T his is the part that thinks logically. The lower part - is Fred. Fred contains the subconscious mind, the limbic system, autonomous system, plus a strong desire to convey feelings.

  Freud, in the industrial act ivny e ru, says in the Catechism of the pressure that builds up or charged, if not find any way of relief, sublimated and expressed as symptoms. Fred, born in the era of the Internet, does not discharge the frustration, the steam from the engine. It conveys the full range of feelings conscious mind so that he could try them out and accumulate wisdom.


  Fred manages a large number of vital work. In critical situations, he responds quickly and automatically intuitive answers. If Fred does not know what to do in an emergency, he puts his best efforts. Later, when a critical situation has passed, it sends feelings about her conscious mind so that he could experience [3] it. This experience helps Fred better programmed to respond in similar situations. Fred and the conscious mind collaborating in this way for the production of wisdom. Wise men are wise by gaining experience.

  Student: How is it that you are wise Bench?

  Teacher: I have a lot of experience.

  Student: How did you gain so much experience?

  Teacher: I do a lot of mistakes.

  Student: What do you do with the feelings that arise from making so many mistakes?

  Teacher: I enjoy experiencing them.

  If many of our senses are in the y-not, we will likely not able to enjoy experiencing them. We may not be able to experience them all. If we resist the urge to experience feelings of Fred, that he makes about these feelings more intense. If we continue to resist, Fred Fred collaborates with other people in Sub-Fredovskoy Network , preparing us for the drama, which is, after all these feelings will lift up.

  Sub-Fredovskaya Network

  Sub-Fredovskaya Network - this is the place where all the Freda communicate with each other directly. Community in which members are aligned with the Under-Fredovskoy Network can actually achieve anything. Commercial P lemya is similar community. TAP helps us to experience the power of sub-Fredovskoy Network.

  As I rovozhu P in P stretch Lehmen

  Members of the Trade tribal villages on the slopes are fortnightly on Tuesdays at 19.00 in my house at Lake Tahoe in Nevada. The meeting lasted almost until midnight, and sometimes longer. Usually attend a meeting of six to twelve people. They come from Nevada, California, Minnesota, Texas, New York, Canada and other distant places, so regular visits require a high level of involvement.

  A little before 19.00 tribal members occupy space in my living room on the first chair or couch in a large circle faces inward. With twelve people in a circle of diameter ranging from four to five meters. Everyone keeps the drum or other percussion instruments. I love to sit by the fireplace.

  At 19.00 I start to beat his drum, signaling the beginning. All follow me. I support a permanent, easy rhythm. Other reinforce my drawing or supplement its counter rhythms. This orchestra is like a cacophony until everyone is looking for and then finds its niche. A few minutes later the overall sound is included in a rut. Then beating the drums for some more time to develop as members of the tribe are finding new ways of cooperation. Then, it seems, gradually falls silent, and the room becomes silent. Each member finds himself in a pleasant, peaceful state.

  About 1 9.10 I nod from me sitting to the left member starts logging. Registration gives each member the opportunity to express what he feels at the moment. She also is a window where you can briefly mention the personal progress since the last meeting. A member may report the feeling of happiness or sadness, or inconvenience, or it may be noted tingling in his hands. During registration a person other keep silent and do not meet neither that, said sender. Registration usually takes a couple of minutes with each person. When one person finishes his registration, he nods to the left, and he is registered.

  Around 19.30 I conclude its own R egis tration. I'm going to last. As in L Ider, I have several roles. I have my own R EGISTRATION, participation in the process and sometimes I sit on the hot seat and explore their own feelings before the whole tribe. I accept the guiding decisions about who sits down smiling on the hot seat. I give instructions and train other members. As soon as the tribe becomes more mature and cohesive, the guiding / instruction role appears less frequently.

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  P no longer roblema

  Yesterday my method signaled the room a few large orders. I calculated the position in accordance with the parameters of risk and place an order.

  Sounds simple. It is.

  However, prior to the last meeting, when I determined by the size, risk, placed orders, a strong sense of fear filled me, and I reduced the size of the order
s, or sometimes aggressive sense of knowledge of the future filled me, and I just used burghers of ever larger orders.

  Because of these emotions, I often did not follow his orders to the size of the position, which in my method is considered optimal.

  After passing the opposite process (Polarity Process) at a meeting of the Tribe of the feelings that affect the size of the order, simply absent. No internal battles. Simply no longer a problem.

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  In bidding th tribal villages and n tend to eat the set of professional recipients and many leaders of other tribes, so I usually jump introductory training. If you are just starting out or tribe to join him, the study guide in this book will help you master the basic techniques.

  Selecting the Sender

  I ask, who wants to work. Several members raise their hands to indicate that they have ongoing issues or disorders, or goals they want to accomplish. The question must be something so that they can feel at the moment. Then I interviewed each candidate about the nature of his situation and the intensity of his feelings.

  Every member starts to give a brief description of your situation. He may say that he has a great sales presentation and that he is nervous or that he had problems with the girl, or that he feels that he is losing interest in his work. It gives other members of the schematic general description of your situation. PTP does not require anyone to disclose their personal details. Privacy allows him to travel deeper into your feelings with less deterrence. Later, at the end of the process, again, I ask that member of his situation. This answer is always very different, showing a significant shift in point of view.

  During the interview, I define the level of emotional expressiveness. Members describe their emotions, such as sadness, anger, fear, and their bodily senses, such as itching, cramping, heat or cold. Then I define the order of the members in the order of their foreign "maturity". I usually causes the most emotional member. For example, during his Opis yv anija it may wince because of abdominal cramps or bang his fist in anger, or his eyes are moistened.

  I say most emotional member that he (or she) is the sender and can take the hot seat. The sender does not have to get up and go to another chair. The chair or a place on the couch (sofa), where he was sitting, it becomes a hot spot.

  New Tribe leader, having used about lshim experience, usually spends the whole process. In more mature tribal leaders can pass this function to others. Managing the process is a great workout for those members of the tribe who want to conduct their own tribes.

  Checking on T otovnost [4]

  I begin, Ref ashivaya sender if he was ready to work. Willingness to work is essential to the process. We often check on her. The sender is almost always says "yes" to the beginning of the process. I appeal to the important topic of what to do if the sender says "no" later in this book.

  When the sender says "yes", I note, it seems that the sender does at the moment. If he is angry, already gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, I support him to grind more and harder to compress. Other members of the tribe used relentless adoption and support of the sender in the direction t th, no matter what he did. Together we create and apply a field of Recognition. The sender feels tremendous support to the extent that, as in the process of experiencing a ovlekaetsya [5] their feelings. Field recognition of the need for Trade Tribe. Without it, the process simply does not work.

  Golf II riznaniya

  Recognition - is a powerful motivator. PTP uses it to help the sender that he usually can not do. The sender must face and fully experience the feelings that are in his near-no. These are the feelings that he does not like, he condemns and koto ryh all his life he avoided. Golf II riznaniya helps the sender to perform a complex task of translating feelings that he does not like, in a sense, he likes.


  Another essential element in the tribe, an element that supports the way out and the adoption of the senses, is the practice of dealing with the forms.

  Form - is an external physical manifestation of inner feelings, thoughts and emotions. Forms allow tribal members to read the progress of a man sitting on the hot seat, so that they can effectively apply Field Recognition.

  Feeling can be an emotion such as sadness, or bodily sensations, such as abdominal cramps. Form printing can be inflated lips, the appearance of tears and rocking back and forth. Form of spasm can be creaking teeth, squinting, clutch hands together and putting them on his stomach, and leaned forward. Forms - is nat analogues of sul feelings. We can say what one feels watching his forms. Form - is the native language of Fred.

  E same word as "spasms" and "sad" is defined conscious representation. Such words - it's name suggests, they are only approximately indicate that we really feel. Trying to talk about feelings, using these words, the sender leads to the exit of its process in your conscious mind.

  In PTP, we avoid the use of names to feelings. Instead, we use the language of forms. Tribe can not effectively support the person on the hot seat "feel more spasm" or "feel n echalnee." The tribe, however, can support these forms and accompany these feelings in words "Squinting more" or "stronger than your lips." Communication senses with forms tends to be rather natural. When manifested form, they give Tribe keys by which to hold and maintain the process. Forms required for PTP.

  Development of forms - a physical process. However, we do not touch the sender during the process. Physical intervention leads to the conclusion that the sender of its process.

  If the sender on the hot seat blows to unnecessary conversation, more and more dive into the details without dipping into their own feelings, I usually support his words, "continued M. OVOR and avoid their feelings." This intervention is usually sufficient to bring him back into the mainstream.

  Experienced members of the tribe take the sender, not engaging in intellectual exchange or analysis that can pull it out of its process. Members of the tribe did not ask, "So, how do you think you should tell your wife?" They say, "Well, go on bare rock howl and stomp his foot." Recipients are focused on maintaining forms. It automatically Tue yagivaet sender deeper into its process and its outputs feelings.

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  Just seriously

  TAP is an easy concept to understand, but it requires a serious effort in order to adapt it to everyday experience. The reward for me was greater awareness of "now" and satisfaction with their lives. I feel (worried) their feelings. This brings me clarity in its decision-making. My drama did not live long, because now I realize that I myself deny feeling. I understand that, can not be resolved only with the help of others in an atmosphere of a family, and I founded a local tribe.

  Through PTP I saw the world around me has changed. PTP proved a critical tool to be able to me to be more tolerant father, husband and son st. Being in the now and taking their children to the emotions I experienced unconditional love, forgiveness, openness of mind and pure pleasure.

  My life is simple. I spend less time trying to sort things out. Instead, I'll just go with the flow and try to stay in the now. I no longer wait to get anywhere. I enjoy the experience of this trip.

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  The conventional talk therapy depends on intellectual exchange between patient and therapist. It may involve the patient in his mind and pull out their Chuv PTS, and prevents him fully develop their forms. The therapist and patient can talk about feelings. They rarely with deep experience of their shape.

  In traditional talk therapy therapist maintains the status of excellence, knowledge and authority. It is aimed at solving the problems of the patient with a combination of analysis and advice. In PTP no therapist, and it is assumed that the leader himself from time to time takes the hot seat.

  Commercial use of members of the Tribe r
elentless adoption of applications for creating and Healing Fields Confessions. In traditional talk therapy group not to provide fields of Recognition.

  P erevorot

  At the beginning of the sender chuvs Twa are inevitable feelings that he condemns, even hated. Such is the nature-have not. Going through the process, the sender starts to notice condemnation, intertwined with their feelings. Vision conviction necessary for the process. Condemnation holds our y-not together. Condemnation provides traction in the clamp y not. To unleash the y do not we relax conviction, testing it.

  As soon as the sender continues to develop forms related to your question, his conviction begins to dissolve. He begins to feel their feelings in a new way. He finds great satisfaction one experiences its shape. Approval coming from the members of the tribe, it is necessary to do a turning process.