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Tribe skilled recipients generates a strong field of Recognition. The recipient is experiencing a strong supporting force. If someone recipients and s y are not similar to those in non-sender, he may not be able to remain clean enough to receive. It can "stick" and immerse sya to their own problems. This may limit its role in generating the field. Full Tribe from other recipients, probably, almost no problems in the preparation in non-sender, so he can maintain the pitch.
TAP is a process that should be defined step by step sequence. Leader manages this process and monitors the sender and his progress. Usually the leader - is the person who organizes the tribe. Members of tribal villages on the slopes is usually the leader s other tribes.
One of the roles of the Leader to Right turn vlyat processes and support them about moving forward. If the sender does not reach completion form Leader can intervene in several ways. It can check on gotovnot, to help in the localization of judges and invited to participate recipients. After the test, the sender of several forms, the leader can check it on the willingness to combine all forms through the process of reintegration.
In the absence of the Leader of the sender tends to lose in RA zlichnyh interlocking forms of judgments and stuck. Leader helps to keep the focus on the process to the sender always progressed.
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Complete evaporation
For the first time in the hot seat, my problems and Strongly evaporated and left. Since then, I do not repeat this behavior increases the losses account. Not repeated once.
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Using Forms
TAP, as well as many other methods of personal growth, stress the importance of the senses. But unlike other methods PTP does not rely on verbal ed or intellectually to the senses. Skillful use of words and logic reside in the conscious mind, whereas feelings and staying in shape Fred. No matter how people claim Usen in logic and communication, he can not use this ability to transmit the true nature of his feelings.
The sender can not really express their feelings, calling it "sad", "anger" or "jealousy." These words do not even begin to cover the complexity and depth of real feeling. In addition, these words mean different things to different people. If I support you to feelings of sadness amb s, it is nothing specifically does not help you in moving through the intricacies of your experience.
For the analysis of feelings, think about them. To move through the feelings experienced by them.
Fred the feelings denote by form. About Mr. communicate using your body. The language of feeling - a fusion of all of your expressions (facial), sounds, postures and movements of the body. We encourage you to turn out your lip more or to rub the knee faster or grit your teeth stronger.
Forms provide senders and recipients a way to communicate. Maintaining your shape, your recipients can provide you with a special pr inyatie, approval, acceptance and guidance to help you in one experiences the feelings.
Which does not require PTP
PTP does not require a therapist. PTP does not require anyone to disclose personal information to someone else. PTP does not require giving or receiving advice.
PTP and Health
This is my report on the experience of one of the members of our tribe with PTP.
He was survived by two essentially life-threatening episode related to his heart. One - a heart attack a few years ago, and the other - an operation to transplant an implant in one of his blocked blood vessels. (He still is the fifth decade and it looks and feels physically healthy.) The consequence of these episodes is that he lives in a constant state with fucking about their health. At public meetings, for example, he often finds himself on the fact that checks the pulse and at regular intervals because of the fear that it is too much straining your body.
He wants to address this problem of constant fear for their health in the hot seat.
We start by asking him to describe us your feeling. He holds on to through a big story about what he is afraid that his fear manifested that he constantly trains that he believes that sometimes can get overloaded, etc. etc.
Every time we ave Osim to describe one of his senses, he plunges into another round of story. So we support this story - analytical, logical description of his feelings.
This lasts about 10 minutes. He knows what we are, but, nevertheless, continues analytical story. This continues for a considerable time.
At some point of his story, he said that is difficult to feel the feeling of fear, which he describes. So, we ask him to describe the feeling, "find it difficult to" feel a sense of fear.
This is the passage which we have been waiting for - he begins to be describing the feeling of "tension in your jaw." We ask him to feel that feeling of tension and describe it to us. He does it, and then slowly moves to feel pain in his neck, chest and back. It describes all the physical senses and said that the pain in his neck is becoming more and more intense.
He now puts his head back on the chair and feel the pain in his neck and shoulders. He feels the intensity of pain in th base of the neck. Soon tears come to his eyes, before long begin to flow in streams down her cheeks. It is within this intense feelings and experiences it.
We push it to strengthen this feeling of pain at the base of the neck. He does it. It becomes painful. He tells us that can feel something hard in the base of the neck. He accidentally t his face in his hands. We support him to do more and that. He tilts his head from side to side. We support this too.
This lasts for at least 20 minutes. Then slowly the pain subsides, the tears stopped, and he slips into a state of rest. He seems relaxed in his chair. We ask him how he feels. He says the pain was gone. At some time in the room there is a silence. Then a few minutes later, we again ask him how he feels, and he says that the pain in the neck and shoulders back. Again, we support him to feel pain. And then the whole process starts again.
We ask him to describe the pain at the base of his neck. He says it feels like something really hard, like a stone at the base of his neck. He feels it, t it and then says that it feels like a solid ball uk. "As e b ... th uk cricket ball" - he said. We support him to feel the ball uk. And feel the pain. He feels it intensely. Soon again appear tears, and he feels the pain even stronger than before. He swayed a little so his head and says: "... the left of the ball to the right of the ball on the ball ... Linda ... Linda left of the ball." We support him in this, too.
After some time doing this, he gets up from his chair, fully stretched out, falls to the floor of the room. All the while he continues to feel painful solid ball in the uk based his neck.
After some time, he rises from the floor, sit back in the chair and continues chuvst in Vat pain in his neck and shoulders. We repeatedly act through its various forms. This continued for many minutes as long as the ball uk NE felt more like a ball uk, now is a bone at the base of his neck. And the pain has decreased.
Over the next few minutes, he reaches a state of rest and looks relaxed. He tells us that the pain was gone, and he feels relaxed and easy. The whole process lasted more than one and a half hours.
We are more about what does not ask him or ask him to describe how he feels. We give him some time to sit with yourself. A few minutes later we again ask him how he chuvs tv uet. It's still quiet. Still relaxed. No more pain in the neck or shoulders, or back. No tension in the jaw.
Session the hot seat over. T o us, for it is also the recipient was intense, absorbing session.
Second section
Living with PTP
When you fully experience the PTP
he disappears, turning into a process of life.
Origin Fred
Some psychologists believe that the mind has two parts: the left and right. Some psychologists believe that the mind has three parts: lizardicheskuyu (lizard)
, the limbic (limbic) and logic (logic). In the sci-fi mind PTP model we have two parts: the top and bottom.
I remember that I heard the name, Fred, and the notion of vertex and bottom brain in the 1980s in an interview with science fiction writer Damon Knight (Damon Knight) (1922-2002).
The upper part - is the conscious mind, and the lower part - it's Fred. Fred - this word to refer to PTP subconscious mind, the limbic system and autonomic (autonomic) systems, plus the desire sharing feelings with the conscious mind. In addition Freda each connected to all other Sub-by Fred Fredovskoy Network.
B Triune Paradigm Mind (Triune Brain P Aradigm) Brain Reptiles (Reptilian Brain) (survival) and the limbic system (emotions), it seems, roughly correspond to Fred, while neocortex (Neocortex) (logic), it seems, roughly corresponds to the conscious mind. In "Fredicheskoy psychology" Fred is not only a physical area in the brain. Fred is also a need to experience feelings, learn and develop wisdom.
As soon as developing PTP, without rigid restrictions on scientific, Fred seems to grow their own lives, including personality. He partially helpful partially possessed and partly prokazliv [10] . He usually collaborates with the conscious mind in order to generate wisdom. Sometimes he opens his involuntary tendency to transmit feelings. If the conscious mind is disappointing Fred, tying feelings in the y-not, Fred encourages his mischievous nature to create problems in the form of increased dramas until the conscious mind in the end should not experience feelings.
Fred function
Fred manages the basic tasks for survival. He sets up the heart rate and breathing, making them ideal for current conditions. It helps keep the balance on the bike, just a "feeling" it. The conscious mind is too slow to control cycling. He would have to keep track of the position, velocity, acceleration and inertia, and then provide appropriate control signals, again in many dimensions, working through a complex network of muscles and bones.
Fred helps you draw back the hand from a hot stove even before you consciously aware of the danger. Fred n omogaet you interpret the signs on this page as words directly. Fred helps you and sit the sounds that convey what you mean by language. It helps you to transfer feelings through facial expression and body posture, even though you may not be aware of this transfer on a conscious level.
The conscious mind is logic and reason (sense). When you see a rabbit that ran behind a tree and does not go out, your conscious mind tells you that he should still be behind a tree. Your conscious mind can even create a model forest and wood and turn it so that you can "see" the rabbit behind a tree.
Fred and the conscious mind to work together for the development of Wisdom
Together, Fred and conscious mind develop the ability, experience and competence. They define your approach to life and your personality. This cooperation is manifested in dreams, meditation, contemplation, meditation and reflection and result in the accumulation of wisdom.
Figure 1: Fred (subconscious) is responsible for the situation quickly and automatically. When Fred meets a new or a difficult situation, Fred before flushes feelings about her conscious mind so that he could experience these feelings and reprogram Fred. This cooperation generates wisdom. Do-not (judgments about feelings) interfere with the process. In response to the y-not Fred creates drama in order to experience the feeling of the conscious mind.
Wasps uzhdenie interfere in the process and leads to drama
In our culture, we develop a judgment with regard to the senses. Parents say: "You should not feel." When we seem frustrated, friends and colleagues in a hurry to help us "overcome" our inconvenience. Whereas conventional psychology and religion provide some methods for the expression and stress relief, they also justify many other methods, mantras and prayers to ignore, suppress and overcome our feelings. Our society sends a message for that feeling - it's a bad thing.
When you accept the idea that feeling - it's not that bad, you tie their feelings in the y and not let Fred to transfer them to your conscious mind. This interrupts the process of experiencing feelings and develop wisdom. As long as Fred does not succeed, he continues to try forehand be feeling your conscious mind.
Recognition of feeling helps Untie U-not.
PTP - e is a process that allows Dr. Fred Onesti feeling to the conscious mind directly, without costly productions of drama. We use a variety of techniques to assist the sender in the experience, recognition and acceptance of their feelings.
For m ere how we dissolve condemnation own feelings, we untie their y-not, and drama in our lives searching for ways to extinction. We feel more peaceful and moving to right living.
Sub-Fredovskaya Network
Sub-Fredovskaya Network - a network of Fred. Et on that network, which we use to draw all the others both in drama and in the good life.
Fred mission is to transmit a sense of your conscious mind. If you do not get a sense of Fred, Fred creates drama in your life, trying to make you feel your feelings. It does this in two ways:
First, Fred uses the Sub-Network Fredovskuyu to attract players collaborating to populate your drum. Fred uses body language, facial expressions and gestures to a combination of people. Budding victim is the offender and the victim is an aspiring hero.
Second, Fred ceases to warn you of the danger. Positive intentions anger to warn you of the need to protect your borders. When your anger in the y-not, you ignore the warning Fred. Coming as a result of a vulnerability in violation of your borders provides many opportunities to feel anger.
In general, do not cause drama, which produce feelings inside y not. So your in-not control your life.
Figure 2: Fred uses the Under-Fredovskuyu network to communicate directly with other forms by Fred (body language, tone of voice and movement). If you have not, Fred and Use this network to find people to populate your drum. You can unleash in-without experiencing them. When you want to feel your feelings, Fred finds people to support you in achieving the good life.
When you experience your feelings freely, you unleash your in-no, Fred and conscious mind work together. Fred uses the Under-Fredovskuyu Network to encourage people to support you in the right life. At the meetings, members of the Tribe Tribe regularly experience the power sub-Fredovskoy Network.
Development of Competencies
One of the first steps in learning to play the banjo is a wasps military roll. Roll - it's eight-note plucked string.
A beginner banjo tablature can be found for most tunes. Tab shows off fingers in Rolla. If you follow the tablature, you can play "Crippl e Creek "ideal, but one note. After each note you have to stop, checking s smiling with tablature, put their fingers in the following positions and play the next note. So you can go through the whole song though is to play one-minute song, you can go all day.
As soon as you practice, you learn to play a few riffs, not thinking. Reef - a familiar sequence of several notes. Many musicians have their own reefs or pieces (licks), which recognize their fans. To learn ri f you keep repeating the notes again and again, faster and faster, and once again by more and more accurately. When the f be- comes second nature and automatic. You can play er of using his senses. This is the essence of practice. The conscious mind is trained by Fred.
Sometimes players to perform like new banjo riff's and his own pieces (licks) festivals. Other musicians playing in the lower instruments such as violin, bass, mandolin and guitar, usually standing around in silent asc ischenii when the banjo players showcase their latest pieces. Some of these musicians are banjo with envy, making jokes about it. For example: the question: "What is the ideal height (sound) [11] ? Answer: "Throwing ba ndzho into the well so that it does not hurt its walls."
When you practice in the flow ie a long time, you may feel that you need to stop smiling and do something else. You may even feel the urge to take a nap and get some sleep. During your sleep you can dream about your reef. When you wake up and try to play a riff again, you can play it even better, more instinctively, from the inside, without thinking about it. Something
happens during your sleep. After waking up, you can play better. The conscious mind and Fred cooperate while you sleep.
Thomas Edison is famous for the presence of the couch in his laboratory Melno Park, and its her usual nap often to resolve particularly complex problems.
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