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TAP solves software problems
This weekend I was working on a presentation for school. I spent many hours trying to attach a video clip to slide. I was totally disappointed. My father recommended PTP. He received me when I visualized the whole project right in front of him. I tried to close my arms around him.
It was really hard to close their hands. I pressed and pressed, and finally did it, he felt a strong strain relief.
Literally the next site, where I went through 10 seconds with a solution. Now my presentation ready.
I love TAP!
This is really the way to go!
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Crisis management
Let's say you get a bouquet of flowers from a friend. You dip deep into the face of a bouquet, to inhale the scent. You feel something hot and sharp in his nose. You throw flowers and grabs his face. You see flying away bee. Your nose is burning and throbbing, and it does not pass a few hours.
During these hours MULTI kih ripple you almost nothing can think more. You realize the pain and continue to play the situation over and over again, looking for another way to interact with it, if it be repeated in again. The conscious mind is feeling, gaining experience and training Fred. A few days later you fall asleep and dreaming about this situation.
Another friend brings you flowers. At this time, you instinctively hold them at arm's length, a little shake, his fingers Spreading some buds to examine the inside of the bouquet, and listen whether buzz. Fred has a new intuitive reaction to the bouquets. The conscious mind and Fred work together to create wisdom.
Personality - this is how you treat others. Say you're at a restaurant, enjoy a meal. Stranger enters and sits down without your invitation to you at the table. You instinctively feel anger. Do you like your anger, and you treat it as a response to the invasion of your personal space.
Your anger is manifested freely on your face in the squinting eyes and clenching teeth, tilting your head. It feels good and natural. You do not say a word. You should not do this. Stranger feel your anger, apologizes and retreats.
Now let's say that your anger in the y-not. Do you have a judgment that anger - it's bad and you do not ravit Mr. Xia feel it, and you rarely see it. Do you have sufficient consent from the other people in your church or community of believers that anger - it's bad. Do you remember how your parents in childhood punish you for what you showed anger.
Stranger enters and sits down at your table uninvited. You instinctively feels anger for a split second and quickly succeeds, hiding it so that it does not show. You even smile at strangers. He interprets your smile as an invitation and pulls his chair closer to the table. You're sitting there, holding back his anger. The man reaches across the table and takes one of your bagels. You feel like your blood begins to boil and you want to take your fork and stick it into the hand of a stranger. You just sit there and smile.
He breaks a bagel and stretches to you. You hold the butter knife, which he needed in order to spread butter on your bagel. You bristles of his arrogance. Still you keep it all inside. You know that anger is bad - and you do not have to show it. He becomes impatient and asks you, "Do you mind? I want to spread butter on your bagel. " You continue to control his anger. You pay him inside. Soon he (the stranger) goes along with your wallet, watch and keys to your car.
You, of course, furious inside. Your anger at its highest point. You continue to hold it inside. The feelings that you do not want to experience, define your identity and run your life.
Fre q and the conscious mind, with all their differences, share a common language, the language of feelings. Fred wants to transmit a sense of the conscious mind to the conscious mind could have feelings and to generate wisdom. When we allow Fred to do their job, we live full, more gatymi lives that seem to be getting better and better. When we stop Fred, we get stuck in a drama.
TAP, as well as many other methods of discipline and encourages contact with our senses. PTP, however, goes a step further by using the form. Forms help us locate and fully experience our feelings, especially in the field of Recognition.
We keep the feelings that we do not like, in the y-not. In this sense, not with the intervention of the judgment that this feeling bad about. This judgment is itself a feeling. So, feeling and (v) the judgment related to the y-not [12] , and we do not want to feel any of it. Do-not - it's shorthand reminder not and assembly .
If we have been trying to get in touch with their feelings, we usually tolerate n eudachu. I call this an attempt to SS (C do C s) th process, and it rarely works. Our in-not just too strong. The purpose of the node to protect us from the experience of feeling. Y is not effective. It is here that the form and field Confessions justified.
Form - a set of physical postures, movements, expressions and sounds that accompany feeling. This is a physical analogue of your senses. Usually you can tell that someone is upset or angry because they look upset or angry. In PTP, we use the correspondence between feelings and forms to assist in the development of its sender's forms. We note his every small gesture at a time when he describes his situation. Then, with unrelenting acceptance, we continue to support it in the strengthening of their gestures, knowing that at the same time, it should strengthen the feeling isolated.
We have no way of knowing that the sender feels. Even if he tells us that he feels sorrow, this title does not give us enough information about the t th, in fact they felt sadness s. Different people feel grief differently and have a unique shape. Instead of trying to call a sense, we just support forms, such as clenched fists, teeth, trampling on the floor or rubbing his temples .
A key element in helping the sender fully experience their feelings field is recognition that members of the tribe is created by unrelenting Acceptance. We welcome his every twitch and turn and push him to the development of their slightest gestures in full, trembling, shaking, coming from inside the form. At some point promotion sender notices that he really likes to perform elements of its shape and really immersed in it. This TURNING [13] point at which it recognizes its own judgment about. When it is dissolved on the judgment, he suddenly free to enjoy this feeling.
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Simply embracing and Sense
I like the theory about feelings. There are a lot of good theories about where they came from, who created it, why would I want them why they do not need me why I am more powerful as to control when they should appear when I have to suppress as many deep insights in I had.
The new idea is that none of these theories does not matter.
Just hold feeling.
There are various theories about promotions, P / E ratios, profit expectations, insider buying, real value, analyst reports, sector analysis, economic data, Federal statements, profit margins. The new idea is that none of this does not matter, just embrace the trend.
Ruby tree. Wear water. Place the order.
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The sender starts the process, saying little about his situation. Leader and recipients recognize the physical elements of his stories, such as wrinkling brow, clenching fists, squinting eyes, lifting the head or foot twitching. These elements provide a point of entry in the form of the sender. Recipients are responsible for the emergence of forms of support such as cheers, and the words "Yes, keep it good Started!" This is even more of this form. Leader continues to remind the sender to the experienced their feelings at the time, when he develops his form. Each element has an inner feeling, and every feeling has an associated form.
Leader and recipients are not able to say exactly what the sender feels. They, however, are clearly visible form. They know that the sender has a tight correspondence betwe
en their inner feelings and their external forms. Leader and recipients, to the extent that, as there are shapes, forms can give names. For example, they may notice a tilt of the head, twitching leg, growling, twitching ears, top of Contents on the floor and hunched posture .
Part of the work as a leader is to keep the focus on the members of one form at a time and the belief that every form ends before moving on to the next.
In the process we use PTP Form for the full development of forms. Then we use the reintegration process for combining individual forms in a composite form. This composite form leads to a state of extreme peace and quiet strength. We say that people in this state at the zero point.
TAP provides immunity to manipulation. It also builds your efficiency in manipulating others, even though you have a tendency to lose the desire to use a "skill." Manipulation goes against the nature of right living and prevents real intimacy.
The manipulation is simple enough, at least in theory. You just find that someone does not want to feel, and then threatened him that he will feel it.
Table of some manipulative strategies
If someone does not want to feel then to manipulate it just _ __
Anger shouts at him, push him _____ _____
Fear threatens its security __ _ __________
Guilt Tell him it hurts hours your feelings _ __
Jealousy Tell him that you go with someone else
Loneliness threatened him leaving ____ ______ ________
Sadness Tell him that he is losing you _______ ___ _
If someone wants to experience all of their feelings, none of these strategies are not working. He likes their feelings, they have had on their dashboard emotions, and he can just use them as indicators of your unacceptable behavior.
Tribe members are enjoying their senses, using them as indicators that lead them on the path to the good life. Manipulation based on threats to force members of the tribe feel its not u do not work. More likely that members of the tribe can thank you for bringing it into contact with your feelings. He may even ask you to do it again, that would be able to locate the form.
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Great game
You know, the tribe is such a thing - with the right people - that must be a great game in town.
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Children love to explore things and feel their feelings. They come into this world have basically no-no. Therefore, in order to manipulate a child, you need to install some in-not. You have to teach the child that some bad feelings. Then you can have zovat Execu-child not to manipulate your work. No matter how disgusting it may seem, this is how many people try to control their children.
If you regularly manipulate child, may soon e find that you have no real communication or real close to it. Then, one day your force your child to manipulate begins to exceed your own. You may recall, for ak took on their skills from their parents in the same way. This is the kind of "family cancer" is transmitted through the generations.
Handling Hassle
When one partner in a marriage threatens another departure, usually in reality it is not going away. Rather, he intended to say: "I want to make you feel lonely, vulnerable and jealous. If you do not give me what I want, I'll do just that. " When the arm is some in-not the victim, which he can use to leverage he can manipulate his victim on their own.
Manipulation does not work in relation to the practice of anti-TB drugs. When his partner says: "If you do not cook me dinner now, I'm gone," he says simply: "OK, my dear, I do not really have hoch now cook dinner, so all good."
His partner can then countered: "OK, then I take a pretty new secretary in the office for lunch and drinks." To which she simply replied: "Well, it makes me a little jealous. I there must be some kind of not-in. Thank you for helping me to find it. "
Her partner then lays out the following: "You do not seem to understand. I'm serious and I plan to output a date with a pretty secretary. " He and says: "Well, I feel a strong rejection [14] , and notice that it really wants to feel it. "
At this point, her partner loses all interest in the continuation of the company. There is no sense and manipulate those who are ready to experience your feelings.
Mr. otovnost experience feelings makes you safe from manipulation. If you do not want to feel your feelings, you are a target for manipulation. For example, if instead of feeling his feelings - in the above example - she chooses to defend and counterattack with his partner lovami: "Oh yes, I hope you will spend a good time with his secretary, but prepare yourself to the beat, so that when you come back, the door will be closed, children will not, and you will be happy to stay only with what you're wearing. "
This, of course, attempt to make your partner feel art tures. If her partner's fear is in the y-not, and he does not want to feel that her trick may be sufficient to win the "battle" and to stop Finno memory of his partner to leave. However, if her partner is ready to feel fear, its manipulation will fail.
Manipulation - a game in which you threaten your victim feel things that your victim does not want to feel. Victims usually find a way to reverse manipulation, so you find yourself in a threatening-threatening [15] relationship without any possibility of real intimacy. If in such a situation you dare to open any of your real feelings, your partner can then use your weaknesses against you in the next round.
At the last meeting of the tribe sender begins to show his aching form. We support him, and he plunged into it willingly and easily. He is a professional in the PTP and even which are a leader of his own P Lehmen. He leans forward, strongly bent, Rusk achivaetsya back and forth, wringing his hands and high tone emits plaintive sounds. We make relentless Adoption, and he soon immersed in it and experiencing joyful moments, enjoying a perfect transformation into a whiner.
Then comes to him AGA. He compares that every second week, the day before he holds his own appointment Tribe, the wife of one of the members of his tribe calls him and whines about half an hour. She complains about her husband. She wants to be the leader of the tribe (the one that is now on the hot seat in my tribe) did something to fix her husband.
As he describes his AGA, he sees that there is something that he would like to change this situation. He just did not really see what it was.
Sometimes we use role play to help the sender to develop, strengthen and to practice any new behavior that he wants to apply in their relations. I choose to volunteer for her performance as a wife. Lyubopyt nym in relation to role-playing games is that the actor-volunteer seems to instinctively knows how to play the role, even to the level of voice pitch and intonation. In role-play men can play women and vice versa with stunning accuracy.
In this role-playing game "wife" call to the sender:
Wife: Oh, I just know you'll be there. You are always there for me. You are helping me. Guess that just did my husband. You have to do something to correct it. He took the kids for the weekend and left me at home.
Send eh: OK. Well, I remember that the last time you complained that you do not have a quiet and relaxing place in the whole house. (Note: it is a fatal error response to the content, not the feelings).
Wife: Yes, but he was just so angry with me. He does not listen and just leave me alone for the weekend. I was so upset. I am so unhappy. You have to do something to help me.
Sender: Good. What can I do for this? (Note: the sender passive Connectivity control and On unable to answer)
Wife: Well, you have to do something to fix it. He is uncontrolled, and I need your help.
At this point I interrupted the process and give the member m Tribe opportunity to express their feelings about this interaction.
All congratulate "wife" for a very accurate portrayal of his wife. Some are wondering what exactly the relationship the se
nder really wants with the wife. Others are wondering how is it that he can not seem to interrupt the dialogue. The sender acknowledges that does not really want to stop your conversation with her. He also sees that if she is catching him on the phone, it seems, somehow control it. He agrees to continue the role-play to the next step.
Wife: Do you really need me now. He is terrible to me. You're the only person that could help me. I'm so happy that you are with me. You must help me.
Sender: Well, I'm a little busy. Let's take a little bit later.
Wife: It can not wait another minute. You have to help me now. You have to do something to correct it.
Sender: Well, what can I do?
At this point, I again interrupt the process. Everyone, including the sender, see that he has some in-not, let it be to be vnym effect. I ask other volunteers to play it (the sender) to show him some other behaviors.